Per our charter, we review our entire directory by hand each year. This allows us to ensure that our directory is the most up to date and accurate, which provides our users with the best information on Haunted and Fall events in their region.
This is the first year where all rules will be strictly enforced. Your basic event listing will remain listed and in good standing as long as the following criteria are met (these rules do not apply to Premium Listings, as that verifies the event is current):
- Accessible website:
If your website is down the day we check your listing, we will query your domain record. If it’s expired, you will immediately be removed from the directory. If the domain has not expired, it will be tried again a bit later. If we cannot access your website for a specific period of time, it will be removed. Suspended websites will be tried again as well, but after a period of time, your listing will be removed if not restored. - Out of date website:
Often, we run into event websites that have not been updated recently. If your event does not list information for the most recent fall season (at the time of posting that is the 2014 season), we will reach out to you via email to determine the status of your event. If the website lists data OLDER than the most recent previous season, we will remove your event from the directory.
Our verification starts now and it takes a few weeks to get through all of our listings. Make sure your event websites are up to date!