Why should I Upgrade to a Premium Listing?
Our platform advertises your event to customers, and literally helps drive them to your ticket booth. While our free listings help with this goal, our Premium listings go above and beyond to attract customers to your event and is well worth the small yearly listing fee.
When you upgrade you help keep our service running, and as a thank you for that, we enable a bunch of great features for your event! Your verification dollars help fund the development of more great features down the line, and helps us build a large audience that is interested in the product YOU sell as an event organizer!
Here’s what upgrading to a Premium Listing gets you:
Trust From Your Customers
Your premium listing tells your visitors that you have personally verified that the information FindHaunts.com has about your event is accurate and up to date. They can rely on the data we provide to get them to the correct location, expect the correct fees, and to arrive when you are open. FindHaunts.com wants to help you ensure out of date listings are a thing of the past, and we will continue to develop the tools to enable you to do exactly that.
Big Map Markers
Replaces your red dot with a larger green map marker, allowing easier access to your event on phones and tablets.
Unverified Map Marker Verified Map Marker -
Direction Mapping
Users can get turn-by-turn directions to your event!
Detailed Info Windows on Maps
The small window that pops up when a user clicks your marker will include direct links to your website, directions, and tell them if you are open tonight!
Unverified Info Window Verified Info Window -
Higher Placement in Regional Listings
Your event will appear near the top of the list in your region. HURRY: Events that upgrade first get listed first!
In this region, Circle of Ash, Halloween Homicide, and Lockdown Haunted House have all upgraded to Premium listings. Circle of Ash was first, so it gets top billing in Iowa.
Open / Closed Tonight Feature
Your customers can immediately see if your event is open or not, and plan their trips around your schedule.
Open Tonight!
Admission Prices and Dates/Times of Operation Displayed on your listing
Your customers have all the information they need in order to attend your event – right on your FindHaunts.com event listing page!
YouTube Hero Video
Premium Listing Video Format The addition of the Hero video allows you to run a commercial to potential customers! Only Premium listings have this feature, and it really highlights and sells your attraction in a professional manner.
Buy Tickets Link
Premium Listings allow you to set a direct link to your ticket purchase page, eliminating yet another step between you and your customer!
Event Photos
Upload photos or logos of your event, directly on your profile!
Social Media Links
You may now include links to your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube pages!
Dates, Times and Admission Rates
Listing your dates and hours of operations and admission rates gives your customers everything they need to make a purchase decision.
More features are being added all the time!